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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan - What's on the Menu?

Fast Weight Loss and Calories

If you are trying to lose weight in a hurry, a limited calorie diet can be an important part of your overall weight loss plan. Keeping your calorie intake low and your activity levels up will help shed pounds fast.

If you have a tough time sticking to a limited calorie diet, try using a diet journal. Keep track of each and every bite you eat in your weight loss journal. This attention to food and what you are eating can have the subconscious effect of training yourself to eat less.

Fast Weight Loss Diet Foods

Some foods require more energy to digest than calories they give you. These are sometimes called "negative calorie foods" because of that effect. By snacking on these foods, you can give your metabolism an extra boost.

Here are a few negative calorie foods...

* lettuce

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight In A Week Fast

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