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Thursday, October 31, 2013

How to Break Negative Thinking When You Have All But Given Up on Weight Loss

I know the extreme level of frustration that can come with trying to lose weight and how hopeless it can feel when you have all but given up on weight loss. At this point there are a lot of negative thoughts that get into your head and make the situation worse. This article shares with you how to break negative thinking when you are at that point when you have all but given up on weight loss.

The thing to understand is that your thoughts go through stages:

The first stage is simply having the thought and you can't do much about this stage because there is really no way of preventing negative thinking, everyone has these types of thoughts.

The trouble doesn't begin until you allow the thought to move into stage two which is where the thought is allowed to sit in your mind and it builds strength.

From this point on it is a quick transition into the last two stages where the thought starts to seem valid and finally when it causes you to act in a way you don't want to act.

For instance, if you have a thought that says, "I will never lose this weight." This is stage one and at this point it is not hurting you.

If you allow that thought to grow and you start adding to it, for instance, "Since I am never going to be thin, I will never get married, have a great job, have great health..."

So the key to how to break negative thinking is to catch the thought before it moves into stage 2 and cancel it. How do you do that? Very simply, when you hear the negative thought shout to yourself CANCEL. This disrupt the thought and gives you time to counter it with a more positive thought.

Do not give up on weight loss, there is no good reason you can't have this worthy goal in your life but the key for you lies in learning how to break negative thinking that keeps you locked in a place that prevents you from taking positive actions. Start today, using this article and the links below to turn your thoughts around.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Guaranteed Weight Loss!

Here's a guaranteed weight loss method that will work for you. If I had to guess based on emails I get, about 90% of women who do this end up losing weight starting in 5 days or less. It's easy and quick... so give it a try and see for yourself.

Guaranteed Weight Loss

1. Do a bunch of spins in a circle

I know this seems like a strange way to lose weight. And basically, IT IS. But it works. It's a shortcut that goes BEYOND DIET and EXERCISE. It goes straight to your hormones. It gives you weight loss at the hormonal level.

Now, there's kinda fuzzy science behind this, but the best thing I can tell you to do is to in fact do the spins. The results will speak VOLUMES. So put your arms out like what it looks like with airplane wings (or how kids do spins), and spin in a circle... in the same spot.

You will have to do multiple sets of these daily to reprogram your hormones and put them in harmony with the rest of your body. Once you do this (within a week usually), weight loss starts POURING OFF YOU.

2. Fiber is the hidden secret to weight loss

Most people just don't get any significant amounts of fiber on a daily basis. You probably get 10 grams or less. The government recommends 25 grams a day. I recommend at least 40 grams if you're looking to lose weight quickly.

Great sources of fiber include lentils, black beans, blackeyed peas, green peas, various beans, and broccoli. All of these are cheap and can be uses as side dishes so you don't have to give up your favorite foods.

This is guaranteed weight loss at its easiest!

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Acai Berry - Quick Weight Loss Diet That Works

Acai berry is a small fruit grown in the rainforests of Amazon. Until a few years ago very few people knew about the miraculous properties of this wonder fruit which has been a staple diet of many Brazilian tribes. Unknowingly they have been eating the most nutritious fruit on earth. Some experts also rank it as the no 1 super food of the world.

As obesity is one of the major health concerns in the US and many other developed nations; Acai berry weight loss supplements became quite popular in a very short time. Celebrity endorsements and coverage by some of the major nationals channel made this fruit the most talked about heath fruit in the US. Not only does this tiny fruit helps you lose weight at warp speed but also saves you from many other lifestyle diseases. It reverses the aging process and makes you healthier.

Acai berry works as a natural quick weight loss diet. Unlike other weight loss diet plans, acai works on your metabolism so that your fat burning system gets a boost. Another remarkable feature of Acai berry diet is that you do not gain weight soon after quitting this program. As your metabolism starts working at its maximum possible speed, it takes it time to slow down.

This simple yet powerful formula of weight loss has become the favorite diet of sports persons, media personalities and Hollywood celebrities. You can easily lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days if you use the diet as per the recommendations of the manufacturers.

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